Text FormattingFilling Typographic Counters

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Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:13 am

Filling Typographic Counters

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Dear board,
I'm looking for a way to separately fill typographic counters (i.e. notches—„Punzen“).

Naïve macro application—for illustration:

The image attached visualizes the desired output.

My ideal form of control would allow the coloration of (each of) both counters and both strokes of that single letter to differ from each other as well as from the background. That's what's illustrated by the code listing and that image. But for my concrete use-case, it would be sufficient to just distinguish the counters altogether, the strokes altogether and the background (in the illustration, that would mean: violet = red ∧ yellow = blue ∧ greenlyDepictedBackground ≠ purple ≠ yellow).

Can you think of any solution (approach)?

Up front, thanks for all effort!
latex-org@counter-fill.png (7.75 KiB) Viewed 2919 times

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Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Dec 28, 2023 3:13 am

Filling Typographic Counters

Post by low »

Dear board,
As I was asked for an update, I'm here to state my current realization.


I entertained the idea for longer, but the (presently) primary use case for filling typographic counters was the graphic embodiment of the indices used for custom section levels (i.e. distinct from the standard

Code: Select all

❶ Listening
—for a specialized class.

With the current complexity of my documents, I get along with three of those levels, but maybe a later extension of the layer nesting depth will force me to reach into the bag of t(r)icks^^ more deeply … Nevertheless, I'd still be glad to get a(n) (more or less) elegant solution suggested that wouldn't require manual scripting of letter shapes in that case!


For the stylistic discriminability of those three levels, I just resort to what Unicode is offering as single characters:

In order to render these rarely available letters, I utilize a custom Iosevka variety. I regard its bulged encirclement (i.e. the radii between the corners exceed those between the sides) as charming; alternatively, Symbola supports those characters with more classical shaping. The former is free as in free speech (SIL OFL 1.1), the latter as in free beer (UFAS). More font options are to be found @ https://www.fontspace.com/unicode/char/ ... l-letter-a.

Your message contains the following unsupported characters:
→ I embedded it as Symbola via FontSpace
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