Document ClassesMake function called before \begin{document} to insert text

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Make function called before \begin{document} to insert text

Post by Spaccana »

I want the function \leaf to print text in the document. Because \leaf is called before \begin{document}, I get an error. What can I do?

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\cs_new_protected:Nn \scand_leaf:
  { \geometry { paperwidth=21cm, paperheight=21cm,
                left=8mm, right=8mm, top=8mm, bottom=8mm,
                includehead, includefoot }}

\cs_new_protected:Nn \mangan_leaf:
  { \geometry { b5paper, left=8mm, right=8mm, top=8mm, bottom=8mm,
                includehead, includefoot }}

\NewDocumentCommand {\leaf} { O{scand} }
    \str_case:nnF {#1}
          {scand}  { \scand_leaf: }
          {mangan} { \mangan_leaf: }
        %% \par leaf~Unsupported~Argument~#1


\leaf[alumin]  % Generate text in document that alumin is unrecognised


Some Text


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