this is my first post!
I'm more or less a newbie, except that LaTeX was my introduction to programming in the mid nineties, and the reason I learned first PostScript, then elisp (I used emacs and GhostScript as an IDE). I've since had a career as a software engineer, mostly working with C++ on HA and mission critical embedded systems, but I digress...
My early exposure to LaTeX was at a time when I was working as a researcher and technical illustrator in a scientific institute. I've also worked in prepress and book design and have an abiding interest in both type and illustration.
So, while a newbie, I've been conscious of LaTeX, it's progenitor and it's high reputation for a long time. I've toyed with it occasionally and would like to use it to greater effect. I'm also interested in font design using Font Forge or similar, so I'd like to learn the finer points of font creation and typography in LaTeX.
I'm running Debian Bookworm with XFCE, and tried a couple of wysiwyg packages (lyx and TeXstudio) but neither functioned correctly on installation and I don't have any interest in debugging them, at least until I've explored the alternatives. Actually, TeXstudio works a treat now that I've installed LaTeX Live!

Code: Select all
!pdfTeX error: pdflatex (file ./0_usr_share_lyx_images_buffer-view.pdf): readin
I've decided to dispense with the GUI wrappers and get the TeX ecosystem running first, so I'm installing Tex Live as detailed here:
I hate to think what it's doing to my free disk space, because it's been installing for a good while and is only up to the p's.
...done now. Trying a few examples from and have to say I'm loving it!
The final piece of the puzzle is that I won't be using LaTeX much unless I can use it for routine word processing. I'm currently using LibreOffice, but I'm not a fan, and I like the idea that I can maintain my document history with git if I use LaTeX. I'll probably also be looking for a good wysiwyg markdown editor, or maybe just use VS Code, but I really want light weight, visual rich text editing, without hassles or overhead. Something like (MS) Wordpad, but sexier.
I can manage some complexity, but I am not looking for an excuse to tinker. I am OVER tinkering, I just want to get stuff done. In particular, will wysiwyg packages like Gummi automatically use my LaTeX Live installation? Is there any danger of their messing with it? I've installed it in my home dir for now...
Oh, and I've found this page, which is very helpful: ... itors-ides
But still interested in any responses.
Any suggestions?