Anyway, I've got a test file below that I've snipped out of my live files in the hopes that someone could clue me in on what I'm doing wrong. I'm just trying to come up with a template for a typical chapter for a book that I told someone I'd help with and chose LaTeX over MS Word and so forth.. I believe once I've got the template figured out then the rest is fairly straightforward.
Some notes on my specific file are below for reference :
1) The first page (blank) is present just as a placeholder and can be ignored -- normally I load an image and so forth but have disabled it for this post
2) I don't want page numbers on the preface page (physical page #3), nor the contents page (physical page #4)
3) For the Introduction chapter/section II want actual page numbering to be roman numerals (right now it's not putting page info for the Introduction section)
4) The first page of Chapter 1 is missing the page number info -- but shows up on subsequent pages. I've not managed to figure out how to fix that.
5) What's the best way to put all page numbers in the center of the footer instead of alternating left/right depending on the page (per the 'ruled' style)?
6) The TOC lists Chapter 1 starting on page 3 .. but I was trying to reset the counter during the Introduction section.. if that is right I'd assume Chapter 1 would be starting on page 4.. not sure what I'm missing there..
7) In the section/chapter heading for the Introduction, on the 2nd page of introductory text, the heading says "CONTENTS" -- where is that coming from and if I want to change it to be more like what Chapter-1 does?
Any thoughts on this would be extremely helpful!
Code: Select all
\usepackage{lipsum} % Just to put in some text
% get rid of page numbers for now..
% create the front book cover (stubbed out)
% =========================
\pagenumbering{roman} % roman numerals for now
% \aliaspagestyle{chapter}{ruled}
% We want all initial chapter pages on the right page not the left
%%%% PREFACE %%%%%
%%%% PREFACE END %%%%%
\setcounter{page}{0} %reset page count
\pagestyle{ruled} % <-- for example
%%%% CHAPTER 1 BEGIIN %%%%%
% \include{chapter-1}
\chapter{This is Chapter One...}
%%%% CHAPTER 1 END %%%%%
% ========================