I used {fancyhdr} to set up a header for the first page of my document called \fancypagestyle{firstpage}. I inserted \thispagestyle{firstpage} after \begin{document}. The first page header is rendered as designed. All subsequent pages have a different header.
I created another pagestyle for these subsequent pages called \fancypagestyle{otherpages}. Using \usepackage{afterpage}, I inserted \afterpage{\thispagestyle{otherpages}} after \begin{document} thinking all the subsequent pages would be rendered in the {otherpages} style. However, only the second page had the new style; page three and beyond were unaffected.
What do I have to do in order to apply the {otherpages} style to all the subsequent pages?
Page Layout ⇒ how to create a different header for all pages after the first
how to create a different header for all pages after the first
You don't even need the afterpage package for that, just declare
only affects the page it's called on. Use \pagestyle
, instead.You don't even need the afterpage package for that, just declare
Code: Select all
% before your call