Page LayoutHeadings

Information and discussion about page layout specific issues (e.g. header and footer lines, page formats, page numbers).
Isak Y
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Post by Isak Y »

Hi, I have a question.
The moment I put "oneside" in my documentclass, my \leftmark has dissapeared on my pdf if someone know how to fix it, it'd be really nice.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Isak,

welcome to the forum!

With a KOMA-Script class, you can use the twoside=semi option, then you have margins like with oneside while still having \leftmark and \rightmark. If you use the ("old") base classes, you may consider switching to a KOMA-Script class because they are enormously flexible.

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Isak Y
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Post by Isak Y »

Thank you for your answer. But the thing is that I started using "oneside" to not have the white pages before the next chapters (because i think it starts the chapters on odd pages ...) and with twoside=semi i still have this issue..
If you have an idea maybe to solve this problem ;)

Isak Y.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Isak,

use the openany option, such as

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Isak Y
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Post by Isak Y »

Let's goooo, finally.. I've been chating with a lot of users and nobody found a solution...

Thank you a lot Mister, I have a last question on my book, I've parts, chapters and in my headings I have on the left "Part [with the number of this part]" thanks to \thepart and on the right "Chapter [Number] [Title]" thanks to \leftmark.
And I'd like to have also The Title of the part right after the number of this part on the left but I haven't find the command to have so.

Isak Y.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

You can redefine the \part command to store the title in a macro, such as:

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Isak Y
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Post by Isak Y »

I added this to my main.tex and this is what I got, many errors :
b.png (14.94 KiB) Viewed 7820 times
a.png (17.44 KiB) Viewed 7820 times
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

That doesn't seem to work together with hyperref.

Then take it out; you can use \newcommand and \renewcommand to set a part title macro yourself manually at the beginning of each part: I guess that's just a few parts, so no big deal.

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Isak Y
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Post by Isak Y »

Sorry I'm a beginner, so what should I write in each part to have it "manually" when I write \part{Algebra} for example what should I write next ?

Also, I have another question, on each page instead of having the number of the page I want to have - [number page] - with the two "-" on each side of the number, the problem is that when I write :

\fancyfoot[C]{ $-$ \thepage $-$}

It works only on the not starting-chapter-pages and on the others it's "normal" so without the two "-".

Thank you for your time,
Isak Y.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Without seeing your code, it's hard to say why the original part suggestion is not working there, or how to make it work. Perhaps if you post a copy of your code (full preamble, dummy text, showing the problem) see that link: Infominimal working example.

The page style at the beginning of a chapter is called plain, it's different since headers above a chapter title are usually different from text page headers in books. You can modify this, see the section Redefining page style plain in the fancyhdr manual.

Stefan admin
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