Page LayoutPage numbering top right corner

Information and discussion about page layout specific issues (e.g. header and footer lines, page formats, page numbers).
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Page numbering top right corner

Post by Heracless123 »

Hello Community,

I currently working on my bachelor thesis and using latex. I have a given format but unfortunately not all page numbers are displayed in the top right corner sometimes they are in the bottom center. In picture 1 you can see how it normally looks, but this is not the case on every page. I have tried using fancyhdr to set the page number to the top right of each page, however the header then becomes a simple line with the number as it should be. Does anyone have a solution how I can place all the page numbers in the top right corner but the header doesn't change otherwise?

Thanks in advance!

Picture 1
P1.png (6.12 KiB) Viewed 8673 times

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Page numbering top right corner

Post by kaiserkarl13 »

I suspect that the problem is that \pagestyle{plain} is issued at the beginning of chapters. If you are using fancyhdr, then issuing

Code: Select all

    % Put code that you want to generate the header and footer on chapter pages here
    % example is below
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