I am using a latex-template and would like to switch from english to german. So I'd like to get "Kapitel" instead of "Chapter", and "Abbildung" instead of "Figure" etc. in the pdf.
[*]Latex-template: https://hci.rwth-aachen.de/thesis-template (the template for ph.d thesis).
[*]Software: TeXstudio
[*] In the status-bar, it says "de_DE" and UTF-8
in the preamble, I have been playing with the following packages/settings:
The way it is set now, I still have "Chapter 1" instead of the desired "Kapitel 1".
If I actvate the babel, then my german vocals ("Umlaute") like "ü" etc. are not shown correctly, tables are not displayed correctly, and the page-setup is ignored. There are neither "Kapitel" nor "Chapter" to be seen.
Could you please guide me through the process? Thank you!