Document Classessvmono+enumitem: how to discourage a page break between a remark head and a following list?

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svmono+enumitem: how to discourage a page break between a remark head and a following list?

Post by AlbertNashr »


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\documentclass{svmono}% v5.10 (2021/09/08) from or directly from
\begin{remark}[Words words words words words words words words words w\ldots]%\nopagebreak[1]%
  \item \lipsum[2-3]%%% a long text here
  \item \lipsum[4-5]%%% another long text here
to pdflatex leads to a page break right after the heading of the remark:
Bildschirmfoto von 2023-03-14 00-47-08.png
Bildschirmfoto von 2023-03-14 00-47-08.png (60.31 KiB) Viewed 9158 times
It's interesting to see that inserting any of the commands \pagebreak[1]%, \nopagebreak[1]%, or \penalty0% right after w\ldots] prevents a page break between “ w…)” and “(1)”. As for \nopagebreak[1]%, it's expected. However, as for \pagebreak[1]% and \penalty0%, these commands have an opposite effect (which is strange because IMHO, they apparently should enable breaking or at least not prevent it)!

Why does this happen? What would be an appropriate way to slightly discourage a page break between the header end “ w…)” and the start of the list “(1)”?

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