I need to use a particular font on my article (industrie).
I don't remember how I've to set it.
Can someone help me to solve this stupid issue?
Thank you
Text Formatting ⇒ how to use industrie font
how to use industrie font
The easiest is, to use either LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX instead of PDFLaTeX. Then you can use fontspec after installing the font on your computer. If the font is installed as system font, you can load it either by font name, e.g.:
or per font file name:
Note: In the examples I've used TeX Gyre Schola instead of your font, because I do not know it nor if it is free and how to get it.
See the manual of package
Code: Select all
\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Schola}
Code: Select all
See the manual of package
for more information about loading fonts and setting up font features.My main topics are KOMA-Script and other questions related to my packages. If I reply to any other topic or if you've not yet added a minimal working example, please do not expect any further response. And please don't forget to tag examples as code.