Once again: It is not absolutely not clear, what you want. As already told: If you want to show the result of, e.g.,
would not make sense, because
does not influence math mode and
requires math mode. But if you want to show the code, you need
, e.g.
Code: Select all
Symbol & Code \\
$+$ & + \\
$-$ & - \\
$*$ & * \\
$\cdot$ & \verb|\cdot| \\
$\times$ & \verb|\times| \\
$/$ & / \\
$\div$ & \verb|\div| \\
or maybe
Code: Select all
\text{Symbol} & \text{Code} \\
+ & + \\
- & - \\
* & * \\
\cdot & \verb|\cdot| \\
\times & \verb|\times| \\
/ & / \\
\div & \verb|\div| \\
See a LaTeX introduction for more information about text mode vs. math mode,
, and about verbatim material.
And please always explain exactly the expected printing. Always ask yourself: What does someone need to solve my problem, if he or she cannot see into my brain?