Fonts & Character SetsIs there a table of Font codes or a way to get the code

Information and discussion about fonts and character sets (e.g. how to use language specific characters)
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Is there a table of Font codes or a way to get the code

Post by John_FTex »

When I use the statement \font\myfont=cmr12 at 42 pt it presumes that I know the font cmr12.

The problem is I don't know how to refer to many of the other fonts? How can I figure out the code to use?

And how can I figure out what fonts Latex can use - I guess the format font command will help on the menu. Might be an obvious question but I don't see the code, eg. the above font is Computer Modern but how does cmr12 give me the idea that it's Computer Modern?

I guess the Format Font command is for the font I'm using to type the Latex script which has not a lot to do with my document I'm creating.

This link? ... y-document

I think I found what I was looking for at this link below:

I'm wondering though, when I use the commands
why can it not find that font when it's right in the usr/share/fonts on my Linux machine?

I have switched back to the default font - Computer Modern because it's better for math.

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