I always want to keep the figures in the section they were declared, thus I always have \usepackage[section]{placeins} in my preamble, just to be sure.
It turns out that \FloatBarrier (and its implicit invocation by \usepackage[section]{placeins} ) can lead to an almost empty page. Please see the MWE provided on overleaf.
Two figures are defined in the 2nd paragraph. These are both placed on page two. Note that the text in the paragraph is not finished yet when page two is generated, so the remaining text is delayed to page 3. This is only 2 words.
The problem is that the \FloatBarrier command inserts a newpage command and the next section is delayed to page 4.
The result is that page 2 only has two words, shown in the image below.
It is clear that this is undesireable.
With the \FloatBarrier on line 53 commented, the next section is put on page 3.
The single line at the top is not pretty, but this is way better than the almost empty page.
Also, when the paragraph is made just one line longer (uncomment line 50), section 3 is also placed on page 3.
There seems to be a strange condition when the paragraph is only one line too long...?
Can anyone comment if this is a feature or a bug?
Page Layout ⇒ Problem: \FloatBarrier results in almost empty page
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- Joined: Mon Feb 10, 2020 5:52 pm