Page Layoutno page number for center/tabular site

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no page number for center/tabular site

Post by rainertisch »


my cover sheet consists of tabular/center environments.

Code: Select all







How can I suppress the page number on this site?

Code: Select all

don't work seemingly.

Thanks in advance!

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no page number for center/tabular site

Post by MjK »

How should we know what happens, if you show only a small code snippet? Please always show a Infominimal working example. However, it seems you are using tabular for something, I would not recommend to use it. Maybe this results in an overfull \vbox + page break and therefore \thispagestyle{empty} is no longer on the correct page. I cannot say this, because I do not know, where you've tried it. One point could also be, that the tabular is too wide, because \textwidth + 2 \tabcolsep is wider than \linewidth. So I would also expect overfull \hbox warnings.

I would suggest to replace the tabular by a minipage and also replace the inner center environment by a \centering command.

Note also: \Large does not have an argument but is a switch. And the end of the paragraph should be in the scope of that \Large. Otherwise the baseline skip would be wrong.

I don't know, if this would already be a solution. If not, you should show a Infominimal working example. The Run LaTeX here button should reproduce the problem with that minimal working example.
My main topics are KOMA-Script and other questions related to my packages. If I reply to any other topic or if you've not yet added a minimal working example, please do not expect any further response. And please don't forget to tag examples as code.
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