LaTeX Beginner's GuideAnnotate a Score in Musixtex-LaTeX

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Annotate a Score in Musixtex-LaTeX

Post by abravov »

We need to anotate an score using arrows and texts, the code is as follow:

\usepackage{float} %Paquete para posicionar Tablas
\input {musixcho}
\input {musixdat}%fecha
\input {musixfll}
\input {musixgre}%gregoriano
\input {musixper}%percusión
\input {musixppff}
\input {musixstr}
\input {musixvbm} % experimental vectorized beams
\input {musixdbr} % lineas de barras punteadas, discontinuas y arbitrariamente discontinuas
%Rutinas para Musixtex

%\draw [red,-{Stealth}] (0,0)--(0.5,-1);
%\draw (0,0) circle (1cm);
%\draw (0,0) node {
%\node (image) at (0,0) {
\nostartrule % Inicia sin barra vertical
\notes \wh j \sk \en
\zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
%\startpiece %\alaligne\alapage
\notes \hl{j} \sk \hl{j} \sk \en%\alaligne
\zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
\notes \ql{j} \ql{j} \ql{j} \ql{j} \sk \en %\alaligne
\zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
\notes \Dqbl jj \Dqbl jj \Dqbl jj \Dqbl jj \en
\zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
\notes \Qqbbl jjjj \Qqbbl jjjj \Qqbbl jjjj \Qqbbl jjjj \en
\zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
\notes \BBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjj}{j} \BBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjj}{j} \BBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjj}{j} \BBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjj}{j} \en
\zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical

\nostartrule % Inicia sin barra vertical
\notes \BBBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj}{j} \BBBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj}{j} \BBBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj}{j} \BBBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj}{j}\en
\zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical


What we need as output is as follow: ... share_link

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Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Nov 18, 2022 6:44 pm

Annotate a Score in Musixtex-LaTeX

Post by abravov »

This is an altervative approach, but the width has not been set properly... Any suggestion how to configure this?

Code: Select all

\usepackage{float} %Paquete para posicionar Tablas
\input {musixcho}
\input {musixdat}%fecha
\input {musixfll}
\input {musixgre}%gregoriano
\input {musixper}%percusión
\input {musixppff}
\input {musixstr}
\input {musixvbm}  % experimental vectorized beams
\input {musixdbr} % lineas de barras punteadas, discontinuas y arbitrariamente discontinuas
%Rutinas para Musixtex

\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
    %Primera partitura 
    \node[text width=12cm,align=center, scale=0.9] at (6,0){
      \nostartrule % Inicia sin barra vertical
      \notes \sk \wh j \sk \en
      \zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
    %Segunda partitura 
    \node[text width=12cm,align=center, scale=0.9] at (6,-1.5){
    \nostartrule % Inicia sin barra vertical
    \notes \sk \hl{j} \sk \hl{j} \sk \en%\alaligne
    \zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
    %Tercera partitura 
    \node[text width=12cm,align=center, scale=0.9] at (6,-3){
    \nostartrule % Inicia sin barra vertical
    \notes \ql{j} \ql{j} \ql{j} \ql{j} \sk \en
    \zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
    %Cuarta partitura 
    \node[text width=12cm,align=center, scale=0.9] at (6,-4.5){
    \nostartrule % Inicia sin barra vertical
    \notes \Dqbl jj \Dqbl jj \Dqbl jj \Dqbl jj \en
    \zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
    %Quinta partitura 
    \node[text width=12cm,align=center, scale=0.9] at (6,-6){
    \nostartrule % Inicia sin barra vertical
    \notes \Qqbbl jjjj \Qqbbl jjjj \Qqbbl jjjj \Qqbbl jjjj \en
    \zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
    %Sexta partitura 
    \node[text width=12cm,align=center, scale=0.9] at (6,-7.5){
    \nostartrule % Inicia sin barra vertical
    \notes \BBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjj}{j} \BBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjj}{j} \BBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjj}{j} \BBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjj}{j} \en
    \zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
    %Septima partitura 
    \node[text width=12cm,align=center, scale=0.7] at (6,-9){
    \nostartrule % Inicia sin barra vertical
    \notes \BBBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj}{j} \BBBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj}{j} \BBBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj}{j} \BBBBl{l}{0}{jjjjjjjjjjjjjjj}{j}\en
    \zendextract %Cierra de partitura sin barra vertical
    %Lineas de redonda a blanca
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (6,-0.15)--(5.55,-1.25);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (6.1,-0.15)--(6.45,-1.25);
    %Lineas de blanca a negra (par de izquierda)
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (5.45,-2.05)--(5.05,-2.8);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (5.55,-2.05)--(5.55,-2.8);
    %Lineas de blanca a negra (par de derecha)
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (6.35,-2.05)--(6.05,-2.8);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (6.45,-2.05)--(6.55,-2.8);
    %Lineas de negra a corchea
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (4.85,-3.55)--(4.45,-4.3);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (4.95,-3.55)--(4.85,-4.3);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (5.45,-3.55)--(5.35,-4.3);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (5.50,-3.55)--(5.75,-4.3);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (5.95,-3.55)--(6.25,-4.3);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (6.0,-3.55)--(6.60,-4.3);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (6.5,-3.55)--(7.1,-4.3);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=3pt] (6.63,-3.55)--(7.5,-4.3);
    %Lineas de corchea a semi corchea
    \draw[draw=red, line width=2pt] (4.40,-5.0)--(3.0,-5.8);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=2pt] (4.40,-5.0)--(3.5,-5.8);
    %Lineas de semi corchea a fusa
    \draw[draw=red, line width=1pt] (2.9,-6.67)--(-0.1,-7.3);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=1pt] (2.9,-6.67)--(0.3,-7.3);
    %Lineas de fusa a semi fusa
    \draw[draw=red, line width=1pt] (-0.15,-8.1)--(-3.4,-8.85);
    \draw[draw=red, line width=1pt] (-0.15,-8.1)--(-3.1,-8.85);

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