GeneralLaTeX => PS => PDF

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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by localghost »

jambon wrote:[...] I join 3 files, the epsf for figure, the image and a tex file so you can try.
I add 3 packages

Code: Select all

If I comment the 3 lines, the pdf is generated without text and if i uncomment at least 1 of them (doesn't matter which one), it is ok for me. [...]
These three packages are all font packages which modify the roman default style. You should only use one of them, preferably lmodern if it fits your ideas. For other font families there are also suitable font packages like helvet (sans serif, from the PSNFSS) and luximono (typewriter mono spaced).
jambon wrote:[...] edit: the image is too big, take any ps image [...]
Compress the image file as ZIP archive so it matches the size limits. Instead of epsf.tex and the epsfig package you should use the graphicx package for graphics inclusion.
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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by Linus »

jambon wrote:
I try to write a report with some images, when I build the file with
Latex => DVI or PS, I have the good final file (but I want a pdf and the quality is horrible if i print the DVI in a pdf);
Latex => PDF, I obtain the good text (chapter, TOC and everything) but blanks instead of pictures;
Latex => PS => PDF, I only obtain the pictures in the .pdf file
For the process latex -> dvi -> ps -> pdf, the pictures are OK in eps format, but you need to
edit the file config.pdf (which is a *text* file, not a pdf, and that resides somewhere in your TeX system
(under \dvips\tetex\ in MikTex2.7), and comment out the line starting
D 8000

For the direct Latex -> pdf, transform your pictures to png format; eps are not printed.
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Re: LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by jotex »

thanks for the information regarding "LaTeX => PS => PDF"

i have been working in TexnicCenter with MikTex package.
LaTeX => PS => PDF certainly works for plotting *.eps figures.
As said earlier, u have to set the executable locations properly in the "Define output profile" tab.
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Re: LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by Veeral »

I have been working in TexnicCenter with MikTex package.

Latex => DVI or PS, I have the good final file (but I want a pdf and the quality is horrible if i print the DVI in a pdf);
Latex => PDF, I obtain the good text (chapter, TOC and everything) but blanks instead of pictures;

Latex => PS => PDF I get full out put in terms of figures, tables etc, but it cuts the top part i.e. the page numbers and the first line for all the pages.
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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by Linus »

Latex => PDF, I obtain the good text (chapter, TOC and everything) but blanks instead of pictures;
Pictures have to be in .png for this method to work.
Latex => PS => PDF I get full out put in terms of figures, tables etc, but it cuts the top part i.e. the page numbers and the first line for all the pages.
One possible reason for this is that dvips is configured with a paper size diferent than yours by default. Open the file (it is a text file! not postscript), which in MikTex is under /dvips/config, and look for the lines starting with "@". They define the paper sizes and the first one establishes the default. If you do not supersede this default in the command line of dvips, you get that size.

See also de dvips manual under /doc/dvips .
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Re: LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by Seviath »

I would like to thank localghost for his help in this subject. I had this problem and his .tco file was really an unexpected gift.

In case it could be of any help to others, I had to update my ghostscript in order for the command to work properly (in fact I was producing only the .dvi and .ps file). This is something trivial, but sometimes one simply doesn't think about that!

Thanks again.
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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by wherisat »

What works for me: Using the 'standard' LaTeX => PS build and then using the ps2pdf command in cygwin

I trying to use the supplied (w/updated paths and 'do not use bibtex or makeindex') profile I get text but no images. This is my LaTeX code, but I can't imagine it's wrong as it works if I go to PS and then manually convert to pdf:

Code: Select all

	\caption{Fitness Sampling Two Individuals with 4 Samples Each}
Apparently I can't simply copy and paste my build log in TeXnicCenter. So here is the summary of 'curiosities': 1 Bad Box(es), and this corresponds to my figure. However, as stated it works when I go to PS first and then manually convert. My problem is that I don't want to have to manually go into cygwin and convert everytime.

Otherwise, I have 0 warnings and 0 errors. Any help is genuinely appreciated.
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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by dws »

Linus wrote:
Latex => PDF, I obtain the good text (chapter, TOC and everything) but blanks instead of pictures;
Pictures have to be in .png for this method to work.
Not True! Don't know if this will help the original poster, but in case anyone else comes along and finds this thread....

Just use the epstopdf package.

I'm using Latex => PDF for my thesis and most of my figures are .eps files. And of course other image formats like .jpg work fine as well.
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LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by Linus »

dws wrote:
Linus wrote:
Latex => PDF, I obtain the good text (chapter, TOC and everything) but blanks instead of pictures;
Pictures have to be in .png for this method to work.
Not True! Don't know if this will help the original poster, but in case anyone else comes along and finds this thread....

Just use the epstopdf package.

I'm using Latex => PDF for my thesis and most of my figures are .eps files. And of course other image formats like .jpg work fine as well.
Yes, you are right.
But still, I recommend converting first to png, if possible. This package does not always work out-of-the-box (it depends on the TeX distribution and configuration), and the are security issues. Anyway, it is highly recommendable to read first its manual.
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Re: LaTeX => PS => PDF

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

I wouldn't recommend to convert eps to png because of possible quality loss, png is a raster image format. It's better to convert eps to pdf, even without the epstopdf package. ps2pdf/ghostscript would be needed.

Stefan admin
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