Page LayoutMultichoice Examination Questions

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Multichoice Examination Questions

Post by nanadwumor »

Please, kindly help me with a latex code that will format my multichoice mathematics examination questions as follow:

The paper will be divided into two columns. The options to questions are four and should be labeled A,B,C and D.

(1)if the answers of the options are single characters or short, they are arranged horizontally in one paragraph
(2) if they are a bit longer and can't occupy one paragraph, they are arranged in two paragraphs as A. B. on first paragraph and C. D. on second paragraph
(3) if at least one is too long such that it can occupy entire paragraph, the options are formatted and arranged vertically

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LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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