These three packages are all font packages which modify the roman default style. You should only use one of them, preferably lmodern if it fits your ideas. For other font families there are also suitable font packages like helvet (sans serif, from the PSNFSS) and luximono (typewriter mono spaced).jambon wrote:[...] I join 3 files, the epsf for figure, the image and a tex file so you can try.
I add 3 packagesIf I comment the 3 lines, the pdf is generated without text and if i uncomment at least 1 of them (doesn't matter which one), it is ok for me. [...]Code: Select all
\usepackage{times} \usepackage{palatino} \usepackage{lmodern}
Compress the image file as ZIP archive so it matches the size limits. Instead of epsf.tex and the epsfig package you should use the graphicx package for graphics inclusion.jambon wrote:[...] edit: the image is too big, take any ps image [...]