Since I am using "option 2", that is using makeindex with \makeglossaries and \printglossaries I had to resort to create different categories (here Greek and Latin) by using \newglossaryentry.
However, I am not happy with the space between "angular frequency" and the heading "Latin symbols" (in red on the picture attached) and in a minor proportion of the space between the heading and its first entry (in blue)
Is there an elegant way to add more vertical space for these two locations, without changing the vertical space between entries? I tried to have a look in the manual as well as in the package code which are both verbose however glossaries is extremely painful to customize compared to other packages
Code: Select all
\newglossary*{symbols}{List of Symbols}
\newglossaryentry{greeksymbols} {name={Greek symbols}, description={\nopostdesc}}
\newglossaryentry{latinsymbols} {name={Latin symbols}, description={\nopostdesc}}
\newglossaryentry{s_tau} {type=symbols, parent=greeksymbols, description={relaxation time}, name={\ensuremath{\tau}}}
\newglossaryentry{s_omega}{type=symbols, parent=greeksymbols, description={angular frequency}, name={\ensuremath{\omega}}}
\newglossaryentry{s_A} {type=symbols, parent=latinsymbols, description={wave amplitude}, name={\ensuremath{A}}}
\newglossaryentry{s_F} {type=symbols, parent=latinsymbols, description={reduced frequency}, name={\ensuremath{F}}}
Hello world, using \gls{s_tau}, \gls{s_omega}, \gls{s_A} and \gls{s_F}