Texmaker and TeXstudiocommand Latex with TeXstudio doesn't work

Information and discussion about Texmaker, an integrated LaTeX environment for several platforms, and the related TeXstudio
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command Latex with TeXstudio doesn't work

Post by gl652 »

I use TeXstudio and when I use the command Latex with this code :

Code: Select all

Code, edit and compile here:
Hello everyone
I obtain this message :
Error: Could not start the command: /usr/texbin/latex -src -interaction=nonstopmode "essai".tex
Can you help me to understand this problem and how can I solve it ?
Thank you very much.

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LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
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command Latex with TeXstudio doesn't work

Post by MjK »

TeXstudio is only an editor. You also need to install a TeX distribution. Recommended TeX distributions would be
  • TeX Live for Linux and Windows.
  • MiKTeX for Windows (and somehow for Linux and OSX, but almost all Linux users use TeX Live and almost all OSX users use MacTeX)
  • MacTeX (which is a TeX Live with better OSX integration) for OSX.
Note: Installation of a TeX distribution is not a subject of mine. The same applies to the TeX Live editor. So usually I will not give any further support at this topic.
My main topics are KOMA-Script and other questions related to my packages. If I reply to any other topic or if you've not yet added a minimal working example, please do not expect any further response. And please don't forget to tag examples as code.
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Joined: Tue Aug 16, 2022 7:54 am

command Latex with TeXstudio doesn't work

Post by gl652 »

Yes, I have already installed a Tex distribution. My Tex distribution is MacTex.
I will post my question in the topic which concern Tex distribution.
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