I'm currently a bit in a hurry writing my bachelor thesis and encountered the problem that all of a sudden Texmaker gave me the error
"! LaTeX Error: Unicode character (U+0099)
not set up for use with LaTeX."
Just fyi: U+0099 is the Trademark "^{TM}" symbol.
I narrowed the problem down to the \printbibliography, which produces an error even if there is only one entry in the bib file.
The minimal I created example is the following (please excuse it incase there is one or two lines that are unnecessary still):
Code: Select all
\usepackage[a4paper, left=3cm, right=4cm, top=2cm, bottom=2cm]{geometry}
sorting= nyt,
natbib = true,
maxcitenames = 1
\usepackage[skip=2pt,font=footnotesize]{caption} %smaller captions
hallo \cite{Easterlin_2021}
with the bib file containing
title = {Why Does Happiness Respond Differently to an Increase vs. Decrease in Income?},
author = {Easterlin, Richard},
year = {2021},
I can't seem to find any character that could be problematic and I'm extra confused since biblatex without any problems. I would understand if the error came from some entry in the .bib-file, but I had this one from the very start of writing and it always worked.
I also reinstalled exmaker 5.1.3 since I was running 5.1.2 beforehand, but it didnt do anythig.
If anyone has any idea what I can try to fix it, I would appreciate it very much!
Best regards,