BibTeX, biblatex and biberlist all authors in the bibliography with apacite in the online Overleaf Latex

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list all authors in the bibliography with apacite in the online Overleaf Latex

Post by Nepo »


I have the following problem using bibtex and the package apacite in the online version Overleaf Latex:

When I have more than 7 authors: The names of the first 6 authors are listed, followed by ..., followed by the name of the final author.

How can I list all authors in the bibliography?

thank you very much for any help.

Kind regards,


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Kreuz Elf
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list all authors in the bibliography with apacite in the online Overleaf Latex

Post by Kreuz Elf »

Hi Nepo! This is no big deal. You just have to use the "maxnames"-attribute when calling biblatex and give it at least the value of the number of names in your citation with the biggest number of names. For example:

Code: Select all

You could also set it to a very high number to get sure that in every citation all the authors get listed explicitly.

kreuzelf from germany
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list all authors in the bibliography with apacite in the online Overleaf Latex

Post by Nepo »

thank you for your response.
As I am working with bibtex Maxnames (only working with biblatex) unfortunately does not work… I hope there is an other possibility?
Kreuz Elf
Posts: 22
Joined: Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:33 pm

list all authors in the bibliography with apacite in the online Overleaf Latex

Post by Kreuz Elf »

Sry Nepo, I'm not to familiar with bibtex (basicly never used anything else then biblatex). You would have to wait for someone else to help you with this. But since this is a pretty basic question, you could look into the manual for the bibtex-package in the mean time. Maybe you will find the answer yourself:
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