leq and leqslant makes identical object. Why? How can I hange it?
Math & Science ⇒ leq and leqslant
leq and leqslant
I do not understand your problem.
leq and leqslant
https://pt.slideshare.net/makrib/latex- ... eshow=true
Like in link(page 2), leq and leqslans should make diffrent symbols, but both makes leqslant.
Like in link(page 2), leq and leqslans should make diffrent symbols, but both makes leqslant.
leq and leqslant
Here it works correctly, but on TeXLive I have identical symbols. In my bachelor thesis, changing places of amsmath and amsfonts worked.
Code: Select all
\usepackage{amssymb}% for \sphericalangle
\usepackage[a4paper, left=1cm, right=1cm, top=3cm, bottom=1cm, headsep=1.1cm]{geometry}
\newcommand{\rn}{Rozwiąż nierówność}
\usepackage{fouriernc} %%czcionka
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} %% czcionka
$\leq$ $\leqslant$