Hello everyone.
I want to cite two articles as follows:
title={{Concept of Operations for the Next Generation Air Transportation System, Ver. 3.2}},
author={{Joint Planning and Development Office}},
journal={http://ntrs. nasa. gov/archive/nasa/casi. ntrs. nasa. gov/20110008502\_2011007120. pdf},
author = {{Japan Civil Aviation Bureau}},
journal = {http://www. mlit. go. jp/koku/koku\_CARATS. html},
title = {Long-term vision for the future air traffic systems (CARATS)},
year = {2012}}
However, as can be seen in https://ibb.co/LCLHxBw, the year does not appear when the reference is made.
Can someone please help me with this?
Best regards.
BibTeX, biblatex and biber ⇒ Year not present in bibliography output
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- Joined: Sat May 07, 2022 9:03 am
Year not present in bibliography output
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