Theses, Books, Title pagesBibliography not compatible with author year and hyperefs not working with class file.

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Bibliography not compatible with author year and hyperefs not working with class file.

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

I took a look into the log file. The TeX installation doesn't look very old:

Code: Select all

This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4) (format=pdflatex 2020.5.27)
However, the epstopdf version looks very old, that's probably the reason why there was an error:

Code: Select all

Package: epstopdf 2001/02/04 v1.1
My version is, from my log file:

Code: Select all

Package: epstopdf 2020-01-24 v2.11
Anyway, if you don't use it in the document, you can run epstopdf fig1.eps at the command prompt (and do it for each eps file). So you get fig1.pdf etc.

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Bibliography not compatible with author year and hyperefs not working with class file.

Post by byn »

I run the epstopdf for fig1.eps and it wasn't working.
command-prompt.PNG (2.07 KiB) Viewed 13371 times
How would I update this? Or how do you run your make file for the file?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Bibliography not compatible with author year and hyperefs not working with class file.

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

There is just a typo in the command name.

Stefan admin
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Bibliography not compatible with author year and hyperefs not working with class file.

Post by byn »

It still creates an error.
error-command.PNG (14.97 KiB) Viewed 13369 times
Is there any other way of running the makefile? And how do I update this TeX distribution?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Bibliography not compatible with author year and hyperefs not working with class file.

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

If you have a deadline and don't want to risk your TeX installation, you could use Overleaf online and make a project there for your thesis. If that runs, fine, you could use that for writing (and you have your Cygwin installation still working as before).

And if your thesis compiles on Overleaf, you are safe there and can install an up-to-date TeX on your Computer. On Windows I use TeX Live, I prefer that. Others use MiKTeX. I never saw somebody using a Cygwin installation as TeX runs fine natively on Windows without Cygwin.

Stefan admin
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Bibliography not compatible with author year and hyperefs not working with class file.

Post by byn »

I am installing TeX live and will let you know how it goes.

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Bibliography not compatible with author year and hyperefs not working with class file.

Post by rais »

Stefan Kottwitz wrote:I took a look into the log file. The TeX installation doesn't look very old:

Code: Select all

This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.21a-2.2 (Web2C 7.5.4) (format=pdflatex 2020.5.27)
I beg to differ:

Code: Select all

LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>
That's rather ancient.

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Bibliography not compatible with author year and hyperefs not working with class file.

Post by byn »

I installed TeXlive and TeXstudio as the editor. It is working fine however I have some errors when it comes to including subfigures from the code below, even when the class is defined, \usepackage{subfigure}, it gives a conflicting error with the class.

\subfigure[Subfigure caption 1]
\subfigure[Subfigure caption 2]{ \includegraphics[width=135pt,height=135pt]{fig2.eps}
\subfigure[Subfigure caption 3] {\includegraphics[width=135pt,height=135pt]{fig1.eps}


\subfigure[Subfigure caption 4]
\subfigure[Subfigure caption 5]{ \includegraphics[width=135pt,height=135pt]{fig2.eps}
\subfigure[Subfigure caption 6] {\includegraphics[width=135pt,height=135pt]{fig1.eps}

\caption{Caption of the figure} \label{fig:subfigure}


Problem 2 is with including tables in appendix as landscape , gives an error with class and doesnt compile even when \usepackage{longtable} is defined. See code below.

Type}&\textbf{Description}&\textbf{Data} &\textbf{Comments} \\
\textbf{Chapter}&\textbf{Page}&\textbf{Figure No.}&\textbf{Caption}&\textbf{Legend}&\textbf{Graph Type}&\textbf{Description}&\textbf{Data}
&\textbf{Comments} \\
\hline \multicolumn{9}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}

& & & & & & & & \\


Third problem is when I create other landscapes in appendix, it creates empty pages, how do you get rid of this?

Attached is the log file.

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Bibliography not compatible with author year and hyperefs not working with class file.

Post by byn »

I installed TeXlive and TeXstudio as the editor. It is working fine however I have some errors when it comes to including subfigures from the code below, even when the class is defined, \usepackage{subfigure}, it gives a conflicting error with the class.

\subfigure[Subfigure caption 1]
\subfigure[Subfigure caption 2]{ \includegraphics[width=135pt,height=135pt]{fig2.eps}
\subfigure[Subfigure caption 3] {\includegraphics[width=135pt,height=135pt]{fig1.eps}


\subfigure[Subfigure caption 4]
\subfigure[Subfigure caption 5]{ \includegraphics[width=135pt,height=135pt]{fig2.eps}
\subfigure[Subfigure caption 6] {\includegraphics[width=135pt,height=135pt]{fig1.eps}

\caption{Caption of the figure} \label{fig:subfigure}


Problem 2 is with including tables in appendix as landscape , gives an error with class and doesnt compile even when \usepackage{longtable} is defined. See code below.

Type}&\textbf{Description}&\textbf{Data} &\textbf{Comments} \\
\textbf{Chapter}&\textbf{Page}&\textbf{Figure No.}&\textbf{Caption}&\textbf{Legend}&\textbf{Graph Type}&\textbf{Description}&\textbf{Data}
&\textbf{Comments} \\
\hline \multicolumn{9}{r}{\emph{Continued on next page}}

& & & & & & & & \\


Third problem is when I create other landscapes in appendix, it creates empty pages, how do you get rid of this?

Attached is the log file.

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Bibliography not compatible with author year and hyperefs not working with class file.

Post by rais »

It would serve the community somewhat better, if you'd restrict yourself to one problem per thread, IMHO.

Having said that, your

Code: Select all

! LaTeX Error: Command \c@lofdepth already defined.
and a similar error message regarding \c@lotdepth stem from the fact that the tocloft package you loaded earlier also defines those counters (\c@* is the internal name for counter `*').
You may get away by passing the subfigure option to package tocloft, but you may reconsider using the subfigure package, at all: it has been superseded by the subfig package almost 2 decades ago...another alternate may be the subcaption package.

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