Text FormattingThe second poemsectiontitle indents using poemscol package

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The second poemsectiontitle indents using poemscol package

Post by petersfreeman »

I'm using XeLaTeX with the package poemscol and have found that the second instance of \poemsectiontitle{Section Title} suddenly indents.

Code: Select all




\poemtitle{My Title}


		\poemsectiontitle{Part I. The First Part}

			This is the first line of the poem,\verseline
			and some more words here.\verseline
			Finish off the stanza with this longer line.

		\poemsectiontitle{Part II. The Second Part}

		Start the next stanza with this line here\verseline
		and add another line to rhyme with the first.\verseline
		Bring it all to a nice resonant end.


How do I fix this?



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Posts: 19
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2021 9:40 am

The second poemsectiontitle indents using poemscol package

Post by petersfreeman »

I wrote to John Burt, the creator of "poemscol". He suggested this:

"My first thought is this. All of the title commands were designed to be used outside of the poem environment. Try it this way:"

Code: Select all




\poemtitle{My Title}

\poemsectiontitle{Part I. The First Part}

		This is the first line of the poem,\verseline
		and some more words here.\verseline
		Finish off the stanza with this longer line.
\poemsectiontitle{Part II. The Second Part}

		Start the next stanza with this line here\verseline
		and add another line to rhyme with the first.\verseline
		Bring it all to a nice resonant end.

Also, I would use \poemfirstsectiontitle for the first section, to be sure that you don't wind up with a page break between the main title and the title of the first section.
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