When there is only one footnote, no problem, because there’s nothing to align. Two or more and we have problems.
Code: Select all
\usepackage{parcolumns} % needed to get two columns without breaking \begin{enumerate}
\usepackage{footmisc} % needed to reuse footnotes with labels & references
\usepackage{pgf} % needed for math calclations
% \bilingual constructs two columns, one for each language, and keeps
% the paragraphs parallel. The “parcolumns” pkg was favored over the
% “parallel” and “paracol” pkgs because /enumerate/ environments are
% possible without messing up the vertical line that divides the two
% columns.
% Left col → French
% Right col → English
% syntax:
% \bilingual{<French text>}{<English test>}
% bilingual footnote syntax:
% \bilingualfn{<tag>}{<French text>}{<English test>}
% BUG: \pgfmathsetlength does not correctly calculate \padding
% The footnotes must be declared outside the parcolumns environment or
% things break, but it’s okay to use already defined footnote inside a
% parcolumns. There’s still a problem: the right column footnotes are
% out of alignment.
\bilingualfn{samplefn}{Cette note est en français}{this footnote is in English}
\bilingualfn{samplefn2}{C’est une autre note en français}{this is another footnote in English}
\bilingualfn{samplefn3}{C'est une troisième note en français}{this is a third footnote in English}
Cette colonne est en français\\
\item foo\footref{samplefn}
\item bar\footref{samplefn2}
\item baz\footref{samplefn3}
This column is in English\\
\item foo\footref{samplefn}
\item bar\footref{samplefn2}
\item baz\footref{samplefn3}