Theses, Books, Title pagesMasters/Doctoral Thesis template coloring on chapters and sections numbering

Classicthesis, Bachelor and Master thesis, PhD, Doctoral degree
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Masters/Doctoral Thesis template coloring on chapters and sections numbering

Post by acsor »

Hi, I am using the Masters/Doctoral Thesis template from ... ral-thesis. Setting it up has been easy, and the result is very satisfying. However, I'm not that proficient at LaTeXing, and customizing it is taking me away more hours than I can afford.

What I'd like to achieve is to simply color the numbering of chapters and sections (for chapters, I want only the diciture Chapter X to be colored, not the actual name). I have looked at the KOMA-Script package documentation and used things like

Code: Select all

but this has only resulted to nasty errors and no fancy style. Could you please help me out? I guess this is really simple, but I don't have the background knowledge.

Thanks in advance.

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