Graphics, Figures & TablesPlot using tikz

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Plot using tikz

Post by pallav »

Code: Select all

\begin{tikzpicture}[>=stealth,declare function={f(\x)=\x^3/3-\x;}]
 \begin{axis}[name=MyAxis,grid=major,grid style=dotted , xmin=-2.2, xmax=2.2, ymin=-1.2, ymax=1.2,
          xlabel=$x\rightarrow$, ylabel={$y \rightarrow$}, 
				  xtick = {-2,-1,0,1,2},  xticklabels = {-2,-1,0,1,2},
					ytick = {-1,-.5,0,.5,1}, yticklabels={-1,-.5,0,.5,1},  %yticklabels=\empty,
         scale=1, restrict y to domain=0:.4,clip=false]
  \draw[scale=1,domain=-2.15:2.15,smooth,variable=\x,blue,thick] plot ({\x},{\x^3/3-\x});
  \draw[scale=1,red,fill=red] (1, -2/3) circle (.5ex);
  \draw[scale=1,red,fill=red] (-1, 2/3) circle (.5ex);
  \draw[scale=1,black] (0, 0) circle (.5ex);
  	mark=at position 0.15 with {\arrow[black]{<.<}},
  	mark=at position 0.4 with {\arrow[black]{<}},
  	mark=at position 0.65 with {\arrow[black]{<.<}},
  	mark=at position 0.925 with {\arrow[black]{<}},
  }] % (-2,{f(-2)}) --(0,{f(.96)}) --  plot[variable=\x,domain=.96:.3479]  (\x,{f(\x)}) -- cycle; % Gamma_0 curve
(-2,{f(-2)}) -- (1,{f(1)})-- plot[variable=\x,domain=1:2] (\x,{f(\x)})--(-1,{f(-1)})--plot[variable=\x,domain=-1:-2] (\x,{f(\x)});
				\draw[scale=1,black,thick,rounded corners=8pt,postaction=decorate,
			mark=at position 0.15 with {\arrow[black]{<.<}},
		mark=at position 0.4 with {\arrow[black]{<}},
		mark=at position 0.65 with {\arrow[black]{<.<}},
		mark=at position 0.925 with {\arrow[black]{<}},
		}] (-2,{f(-2)-0.05}) to[bend right=5] (1.05,{f(.95)}) --  plot[variable=\x,domain=1.05:2.05] (\x,{f(\x)+0.05}) --(-1-0.05,{f(-1)+0.05})--plot[variable=\x,domain=-1-0.05:-2+0.05] (\x,{f(\x)-0.05})--cycle;

I want to get a plot like attached 1234.png file. I got sa.jpg. My code works perfect except at two corners of the black curve near the solid circles. Please correct my code.
sa.jpg (49.25 KiB) Viewed 1269 times
1234.png (18.75 KiB) Viewed 1269 times

Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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