LaTeX Beginner's GuideA question about the cookbook.

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A question about the cookbook.

Post by FunWithLatex »


Is there a new edition of the Cookbook being published very soon? I'm only asking since I was going to buy the current edition.


Recommended reading 2024: • •
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Stefan Kottwitz
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A question about the cookbook.

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »


there's no new edition planned for this year. I'm working on a TikZ book for now, the title is: LaTeX graphics with TikZ. The TikZ book will appear in July, 2023.

I think the Cookbook's content is still very valid. In a new edition, I would probably add some examples. Btw. the detailed step-by-step style of the examples was required by the publisher's cookbook style, I hope that's ok for you, at least it allowed me to write another book full of fancy examples. That style is for reading, for working with code you can download the full set of examples from Github or from; on that website you can test and modify them directly with an online compiler.

It would be great if you would rate the book (and the Beginner's Guide) on Amazon.

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Stefan Kottwitz
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A question about the cookbook.

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Update: now that I finished the TikZ book, the publisher asked me if I would consider updating the Cookbook. It was unexpected, and there's no decision yet.

It would be polishing the existing content, replacing some examples, improving quality in general, fixing URLs that are not working anymore or moved (UK TeX FAQ, ShareLaTeX etc.) In any case, it would take a minimum of 6-8 months to make a new edition, so it would be published in 2024. If you choose the first edition, we can stay in contact about upcoming changes, perhaps you have some suggestions. The web site will be updated in real-time.

Stefan admin
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