Page LayoutClearpage with no page break

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Clearpage with no page break

Post by Saffron »

Fancy headers require use of \clearpage or \pagebreak between two pages in order to update or change the header content. In my document, Im having a problem with this. My first page has text that runs almost the full length of the page. As a result, when I use \clearpage or \pagebreak, it introduces a blank page between my two pages. If I remove \clearpage or \pagebreak, the blank page is dropped as intended, but my headers do not change since both pages are being treated as if they are one page.

How can I use \clearpage to allow the header to change but avoid introducing a blank page? Stated differently, I need to use \clearpage but with no page break. How do I do that?

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Stefan Kottwitz
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Clearpage with no page break

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

Hi Saffron,

welcome to the forum!
Saffron wrote:both pages are being treated as if they are one page.
That's not possible - a new page is a different page. With \clearpage and an additional empty page you may see another effect, such as the page header changed for the next even or odd page.

Perhaps we can tell more if you show us example code that shows what you mean, that does it as you say (even with dummy text). That would probably lead to an easy fix.

Stefan admin
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