Text FormattingWhy there is this space in my text?

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Why there is this space in my text?

Post by Solid »

I know it's all greek to you.But don't mind the language.I wanna know why there is this space between the text of the chapter?
In other chapters there is no such a problem.
greek.PNG (87.52 KiB) Viewed 2070 times

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Why there is this space in my text?

Post by Solid »

found out that by removing the ,bindingoffset=6mm form the geometry package the spacing is back to normal.
Is there a way to keep the bindingoffset with a normal spacing?
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Why there is this space in my text?

Post by Oscaruzzo »

I believe that's because you're using \begin{figure}[H] for your figures. You're saying the figure should be inserted right where the code is. And because figures cannot (and should not) be split on two pages, TeX is stretching the vertical glue to fill the page. The usual solution is to specify [htp] as placement (which is the default, I believe, and is the way most books are done) instead of [H].
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Stefan Kottwitz
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Why there is this space in my text?

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

I use [htbp!] as the most flexible option.

And @Solid, that can happen anyway because of page height balancing, you could disable it by \raggedbottom in the preamble.

LaTeX.org admin
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