GeneralProblem with setting up a new dictionary

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Problem with setting up a new dictionary

Post by zaradek »


I installed the most recent version of TeXnicCenter and I followed the link provided at the spell options panel to Here I downloaded the Hungarian Dictionary by the "Magyar Ispell dictionary" link. I extracted the content of the package into the C:\Program Files\TeXnicCenter\Language near the similar files of the built in languages. I changed the spell language to hu in the options dialog, and restarted TeXnicCenter.

The result is: this. Only a few words are considered to be correct, and what is really change is that math mode expressions are underline as well.

What can be the problem?


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Re: Problem with setting up a new dictionary

Post by localghost »

I guess it's not so much an issue of TeXnicCenter but more of the quality of the dictionary. Perhaps you can edit it somehow. For the present you may add the marked words to your personal dictionary and do regular backups.

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Problem with setting up a new dictionary

Post by zaradek »

The Magyar Ispell dictionary provided on the OpenOffice Dictionaries page is developed to work with OpenOffice and it does it fine. According to it's readme it requires Hunspell 1.3 version spell check engine:
Hungarian Hunspell dictionaries version 1.3 with morphological data
Alias compressed dictionary (work with Hunspell 1.3 or newer versions)
I have nowhere found what engine does TeXnicCenter use: Myspell? Hunspell? What version?
Can it be the source of the problem?

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Re: Problem with setting up a new dictionary

Post by Zer0 »

I have the same problem with russian dictionaries. There are two versions of the spelling dic, and none of them seems to work: TXC just doesn't seem to recognize the words (underlines everything). At first there was also a following symptom: when I copied a russian word from the editor window and pasted it into outside of the TXC (like notepad or a run dialog), it pasted in a wrong encoding. I then explicitly set Windows to use the cp1251.nls for the cp1252 encoding, and this got fixed… But the spell checker didn't.

What can make TXC not recognize words in a dictionary?
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Problem with setting up a new dictionary

Post by Annabel »

That's strange. In my case everything works as expected. According to the readme, the Dutch dictonary requires the myspell engine. Maybe you could try a tool to convert the hunspell format in the myspell format? (although it might seem odd as MySpell uses 8-bit ASCII character encoding, whereas hunspell uses UTF8 encoding).
More likely, the issue is related to the encoding of the file. AFAIK there is no method to change the encoding in TexnicCenter. See also another thread ... e+encoding
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Problem with setting up a new dictionary

Post by Sergiu »

Zer0 wrote:I have the same problem with russian dictionaries. There are two versions of the spelling dic, and none of them seems to work: TXC just doesn't seem to recognize the words (underlines everything). At first there was also a following symptom: when I copied a russian word from the editor window and pasted it into outside of the TXC (like notepad or a run dialog), it pasted in a wrong encoding. I then explicitly set Windows to use the cp1251.nls for the cp1252 encoding, and this got fixed… But the spell checker didn't.

What can make TXC not recognize words in a dictionary?
TeXnicCenter 1.0 doesn't handle encodings, it just uses the default code page; Russian dictionaries will most likely use the KOI character encodings, which are incompatible with CP1251. TeXnicCenter 2.0 however supports Unicode and will handle (already does) different dictionary encodings correctly. Also, MySpell has been replaced by more sophisticated Hunspell.
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Problem with setting up a new dictionary

Post by MartinC »

Sergiu wrote: TeXnicCenter 1.0 doesn't handle encodings, it just uses the default code page; Russian dictionaries will most likely use the KOI character encodings, which are incompatible with CP1251. TeXnicCenter 2.0 however supports Unicode and will handle (already does) different dictionary encodings correctly. Also, MySpell has been replaced by more sophisticated Hunspell.
By the way, is it too early to submit bug reports for TxC 2.0? I guess you know the obvious ones already so I'd rather not annoy you with useless bug reports.

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Problem with setting up a new dictionary

Post by Sergiu »

MartinC wrote: By the way, is it too early to submit bug reports for TxC 2.0? I guess you know the obvious ones already so I'd rather not annoy you with useless bug reports.
No, it isn't too early to submit bugs for TXC 2.0. Just use the tracker at
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Problem with setting up a new dictionary

Post by Drkazmer »

Hi there!

I've got the same problem unfortunately. And because of the accents and umlauts it can't be copied to Word to do the spellcheck. What I could do by now to download from ... Hungary.29

the Hungarian_2 dictionary, but it doesn't know many words, and the spellcheck is extremely slow in TeXnicCenter (in spite of Core2 Duo 2 GHz and 1 GB RAM...).
But I have no idea what to do with the Magyar Ispell 1.4, because it doesn't have hu_HU.txt and hu_HU.aff files, but many directories and stuff like that.
It'd be really great to hear the opinion of Sven and Tino (if it's possible).
The Magyar Ispell 1.4's homepage:
To download click: 1.4-es kiadás

Kazi from Hungary

If it wasn't obvious: I would like to use Magyar Ispell 1.4, but I don't know how to integrate it to TeXnicCenter...
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