I am using LaTeX for the first time.
When I click "Run" in Texmaker and then click "View PDF", the generated PDF file does not update. What could be the reason?
I use XeLaTex.
Texmaker and TeXstudio ⇒ PDF file does not update
- Ijon Tichy
- Posts: 640
- Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:12 am
PDF file does not update
latex0123 wrote:What could be the reason?
- You have not installed any TeX distribution.
- You have not installed XeLaTeX.
- TeXmaker does not find the TeX distribution/XeLaTeX.
- TeXmaker is not correctly configured to run XeLaTeX and all other programs needed to generate a new PDF.
- TeXmaker is configured to use another master file.
- There are fatal errors at your LaTeX file(s).
- Something has blocked the PDF, so that it cannot be written newly.
- A virus has broken the TeX distribution or editor or the OS.
- A anti-virus has blocked execution of some programs.
- Many more user mistakes can lead to not generating a new PDF or generating a new PDF but do not show it.
- Error messages of TeXmaker.
- Exact configuration of TeXmaker for "Run"?
- Does it work, you explicitly run XeLaTeX and also all other programs needed depending on your document?
- Does it work, if you use another LaTeX editor like TeXworks?
- Is the log file updated and what does it show?
- If you are using bibtex or biber: Is the blg file updated and what does it show?
- If you are using makeindex: Is the ilg file updated and what dies is show?
- Can you reduce your problem to a
minimal working example, please show it?
- Does the problem also happen with an absolute minimal example like
Code: Select all
\documentclass{article} \begin{document} Test \end{document}
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. 

PDF file does not update
The problem happens not with an absolute minimal example like
That's my current file:
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
\usepackage[a4paper, left=1cm, right=1cm, top=1cm, bottom=1cm]{geometry}
\author{LastName, FirstName}
Max Mustermann \cdot Consultant and Software Engineer | Bremen, Germany | info@mustermann.com | +49 176 123 456 78
% \draw (0,0) rectangle (10,2) node[midway] {Max Mustermann | Resume};
%\begin{center}Max Mustermann | Resume\end{center}
- Ijon Tichy
- Posts: 640
- Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:12 am
PDF file does not update
Have you seen, that there are error messages for your example?
The first one:
is because you are using paragraphs like empty lines inside
The next one:
is, because you are using the math mode comand
Maybe you are searching for something like:
Note: You should always fix all errors immediately. Some of them can prevent LaTeX from generating a correct PDF. Depending on the editor, terminating with an error state can prevent the editor to reload a newly generated PDF.
The first one:
Code: Select all
Runaway argument?
{ \begin {center}
! Paragraph ended before \@textcolor was complete.
<to be read again>
l.20 ^^I^^I
. \textcolor
, \textrm
, \textbf
, \textit
etc. is for small texts inside a paragraph. They all do not support multiple paragraphs.The next one:
Code: Select all
Missing $ inserted.
<inserted text>
l.21 ^^I^^I^^IMax Mustermann \cdot
Consultant and Software Engineer | Bremen...
in text mode.Maybe you are searching for something like:
Code: Select all
\documentclass[ngerman]{article}% 10pt removed, because it is the default of article
\usepackage[a4paper, left=1cm, right=1cm, top=1cm, bottom=1cm]{geometry}
%\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}% Not needed since LaTeX 2018/04/01 and not
% recommended with LuaLaTeX or XeLaTeX
\usepackage{babel}% Language option moved, so it is also available for other packages.
\author{LastName, FirstName}
%\setmainfont{Arial}% Commented, because for a MWE it is not recommended to
% use fonts, that are usually only available with Windows
% and not needed to demonstrate the problem.
\color{bgcol}% Color changes inside environments usually stay inside the environment.
Max Mustermann \textperiodcentered{} Consultant and Software Engineer | Bremen, Germany | info@mustermann.com | +49 176 123 456 78
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. 

PDF file does not update
Thank you. You have helped me a lot.