Graphics, Figures & TablesHow to gather your tables under "List of tables"?

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How to gather your tables under "List of tables"?

Post by ferdisss »

I have a "List of tables" in main, but how do you gather your tables under it? Right now, the table itself that I made in a section has comen under "List of tables".

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Ijon Tichy
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How to gather your tables under "List of tables"?

Post by Ijon Tichy »

You question is completely unclear. You are asking for how to add tables to the list of tables and also tell us, that the table is in the list of tables. Can you please show a Infominimal working example? Currently I neither do known, what you are asking, nor how to help. We need much more information.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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