Text FormattingLong chapter name second line indent in the TOC

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Long chapter name second line indent in the TOC

Post by d_buch »

I'm LaTeX newbe and trying to make a document with some requirements.
Searching for similiar issues here and through whole internet gave me no result.
The point is to remove the long chapter name second (third, fourth...) line indent within the TOC.
What I do have now:
ToC_Screenshot.png (88.09 KiB) Viewed 5858 times
What I want to have:
ToC_Screenshot_wanted-result.png (88.06 KiB) Viewed 5858 times
Detailed explanation:
ToC_Screenshot_red-marks.png (100.33 KiB) Viewed 5858 times
LaTeX code (MWE):

Code: Select all


  \renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
  \newcommand{\acronymsname}{This is a long, really long name for acronyms list to show how it looks within the Table of Contents}

	  \item[\(E\)] --- E-letter
	  \item[\(j\)] --- j-letter
	  \item[\(k\)] --- k-letter
	  Introduction text.
  \chapter{First Chapter}
    First Chapter text.
    \section{Section One in the 1st Chapter}
      ...Some text...
      \subsection{Subsection N1 within 1.1}
        ...New text...
      \subsection{Subsection N2 within 1.1}
        ...Other text...        
    \section{Section Two in the 1st Chapter}
      ...More text...
  \chapter{Second Chapter --- This Chapter Name is Really Long Too as Well as Acronyms List so it May Take at Least Two Strings}
    Second Chapter text.
    \section{Section One in the 2nd Chapter}
      ...Some text...
    \section{Section Two in the 2nd Chapter}
      ...More text...
I assume the "tocloft" package may help me. Or not....?
Thanks for your help!

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LaTeXguide.org • LaTeX-Cookbook.net • TikZ.org
LaTeX Beginner's Guide LaTeX Cookbook LaTeX TikZ graphics TikZによるLaTeXグラフィックス
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Ijon Tichy
Posts: 640
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:12 am

Long chapter name second line indent in the TOC

Post by Ijon Tichy »

I don't know how to do it using memoir. But using a KOMA-Script class it is easy:

Code: Select all

\documentclass[emulatestandardclasses,% only to have a similar look
\renewcaptionname{english}{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
\providecaptionname{english}{\acronymsname}{This is a long, really long name for acronyms list to show how it looks within the Table of Contents}
  \addtocentrydefault{chapter}{#1}{#2}% replace this
}{% by
	  \item[\(E\)] --- E-letter
	  \item[\(j\)] --- j-letter
	  \item[\(k\)] --- k-letter
	  Introduction text.
  \chapter{First Chapter}
    First Chapter text.
    \section{Section One in the 1st Chapter}
      ...Some text...
      \subsection{Subsection N1 within 1.1}
        ...New text...
      \subsection{Subsection N2 within 1.1}
        ...Other text...        
    \section{Section Two in the 1st Chapter}
      ...More text...
  \chapter{Second Chapter --- This Chapter Name is Really Long Too as Well as Acronyms List so it May Take at Least Two Strings}
    Second Chapter text.
    \section{Section One in the 2nd Chapter}
      ...Some text...
    \section{Section Two in the 2nd Chapter}
      ...More text...
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
Posts: 3
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Long chapter name second line indent in the TOC

Post by d_buch »

Ijon Tichy wrote:I don't know how to do it using memoir. But using a KOMA-Script class it is easy
Thank you!
Your way to solve my problem really works.
But it's essential for me to use the memoir class.
Does anybody have any ideas?
The duplicate of this question is here:
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/711 ... in-the-toc
Probably it would be useful for you.
Posts: 366
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Long chapter name second line indent in the TOC

Post by Bartman »

I'm also not familiar with the use of the memoir class, but I'd like to offer the following attempt:

Code: Select all



% Read section 1.15 "Modifying a language" in the manual of the babel package 
% to understand what's happening here.
\setlocalecaption{english}{contents}{Table of Contents}
\setlocalecaption{english}{acronyms}{This is a long, really long name 
for acronyms list to show how it looks within the Table of Contents}

% The \cftchapternumwidth counter is defined and set by the memoir class 
% without loading the tocloft package.

% Added after reading your comment in the other forum.

% In opposite to the KOMA-Script classes, memoir doesn't know any \addchap command.

	  \item[\(E\)] --- E-letter
	  \item[\(j\)] --- j-letter
	  \item[\(k\)] --- k-letter
	  Introduction text.
  \chapter{First Chapter}
    First Chapter text.
    \section{Section One in the 1st Chapter}
      \dots{} Some text~\dots
      \subsection{Subsection N1 within 1.1}
        \dots{} New text~\dots
      \subsection{Subsection N2 within 1.1}
        \dots{} Other text~\dots       
    \section{Section Two in the 1st Chapter}
      \dots{} More text~\dots
  \chapter{Second Chapter --- This Chapter Name is Really Long Too as Well 
  as Acronyms List so it May Take at Least Two Strings}
    Second Chapter text.
    \section{Section One in the 2nd Chapter}
      \dots{} Some text~\dots
    \section{Section Two in the 2nd Chapter}
      \dots{} More text~\dots
Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Feb 13, 2022 9:39 pm

Long chapter name second line indent in the TOC

Post by d_buch »

Bartman, your solution works well! Thank you!
There's one more way to solve this:
https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions ... -contents/
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