I agreed with a publisher to write my book in LaTeX and they sent me a number of different styles from which I picked one and which I am trying to replicate. The one that I have chosen does not indicate the chapter and section in the header but in the left and right margin as vertical text. To illustrate this, I attached a sample.
I am wondering if a package exists that does this and ion somebody can help me. Thanks!
Page Layout ⇒ Place chapter/section in left/right margin instead of top margin
Place chapter/section in left/right margin instead of top margin
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Place chapter/section in left/right margin instead of top margin
In the end, I came up with a solution which is easier than I thought and which I copy in the following for those interested.
First, I redefine how the chapters and sections are presented:
{\markboth{{\thechapter.\ #1}}{}}
{\markright{{\thesection.\ #1}}}
Then I define the following two boxes (one for the chapter, another for the section) which can then be used with fancy headers by using \fancyhead[LE]{\marginchapter} and \fancyfoot[RO]{\marginsection}:
\makebox[0em][r]{% make the box extend into margin
\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{% make the box have 0 hgt and dpth
\rotatebox[origin=rB]{90}{% rotate it
\colorbox{white}{\color{gray}\leftmark \ \ \color{black}\thepage}}}%
\hspace*{2em}% how far, horiz, box is from leftmargin
\makebox[0em][r]{% make the box extend into margin
\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{% make the box have 0 hgt and dpth
\rotatebox[origin=rB]{-90}{% rotate it
\colorbox{white}{\color{gray}\rightmark \ \ \color{black}\thepage}}}%
\hspace*{-3em}% how far, horiz, box is from leftmargin
First, I redefine how the chapters and sections are presented:
{\markboth{{\thechapter.\ #1}}{}}
{\markright{{\thesection.\ #1}}}
Then I define the following two boxes (one for the chapter, another for the section) which can then be used with fancy headers by using \fancyhead[LE]{\marginchapter} and \fancyfoot[RO]{\marginsection}:
\makebox[0em][r]{% make the box extend into margin
\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{% make the box have 0 hgt and dpth
\rotatebox[origin=rB]{90}{% rotate it
\colorbox{white}{\color{gray}\leftmark \ \ \color{black}\thepage}}}%
\hspace*{2em}% how far, horiz, box is from leftmargin
\makebox[0em][r]{% make the box extend into margin
\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{% make the box have 0 hgt and dpth
\rotatebox[origin=rB]{-90}{% rotate it
\colorbox{white}{\color{gray}\rightmark \ \ \color{black}\thepage}}}%
\hspace*{-3em}% how far, horiz, box is from leftmargin
- Ijon Tichy
- Posts: 640
- Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:12 am
Place chapter/section in left/right margin instead of top margin
Seems that the running head is without chapter number, but the bold number is the page number. Here is a suggestion for it:
See the
KOMA-Script manual for more information about using
You can use the package also with a standard class. But the standard class book always uses page style
But now, every plain page is a
Code: Select all
\renewcommand*{\chapterpagestyle}{sidemarks}% Use the new page style also for chapter pages.
\renewcommand*{\chaptermarkformat}{}% Don't show chapter number in the marks

. Usually it is used via scrlayer-scrpage
. But the example above shows, that it also can be used directly to define your own layer page style(s).You can use the package also with a standard class. But the standard class book always uses page style
for the chapter start page. So if you want to use the new pagestyle sidemarks
also for the chapter start page (as shown above) you have to redefine pagestyle plain
Code: Select all
\DeclarePageStyleAlias{plain}{sidemarks}% Make pagestyle plain be the same like pagestyle sidemarks
\renewcommand*{\chaptermarkformat}{}% Don't show chapter number in the marks
page. So maybe you need to define a new plain pagestyle named, e.g., realplain
. Because of easy configuration of things like \chapterpagestyle
I like the KOMA-Script classes more.Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms.