I have read the first part of the fontspec manual, where it describes how to set fonts using specific paths to otf files.
I (naively) copied a set of otf files from my mac mini to my linux system, and then attempted to set the main font using fontspec, identifying the upright, italic, and bold font files copied from the mac. But fontspec reports that it cannot resolve the font. I am using luatex as the main engine. Here is the latex code:
Code: Select all
\setmainfont{ IgnoreFontspecFile,
UprightFont = /home/david/fonts/ACaslonPro-Regular.otf,
BoldFont = /home/david/fonts/ACaslonPro-Bold.otf,
ItalicFont = /home/david/fonts/ACaslonPro-Italic.otf,
BoldItalicFont = /home/david/fonts/ACaslonPro-Bolditalic.otf
This is a test.
Should this work?