Hi, this is my first post ^.^
I want to add a section with languages skills, in the form of the regular skills with a bar that shows the level. First I tried to use again the command \skills with new information but it simply copied again the information previously introduced. After that I tried to add in the .cls a function that would do the same of \skill, I copied all the same code but with the name \languages (which I invented) and the compilator didn't see it.
Somebody knows what can I do? Thanks!
Curricula Vitae / Résumés ⇒ Twenty Seconds CV: Languages level
- Stefan Kottwitz
- Site Admin
- Posts: 10290
- Joined: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:44 pm
Twenty Seconds CV: Languages level
Hi caticod,
welcome to the forum!
Never edit a .cls file. You could not simply update it with an official new version, or you lose your changes. Make changes to class file macros in your document or in a separate .sty file that you load.
Here, you could redefine
This gives:
welcome to the forum!
Never edit a .cls file. You could not simply update it with an official new version, or you lose your changes. Make changes to class file macros in your document or in a separate .sty file that you load.
Here, you could redefine
and \makeprofile
in your template.tex
file, for example:Code: Select all
% !TEX none
\foreach [count=\i] \x/\y in {#1}{
\draw[fill=maingray,maingray] (0,\i) rectangle (6,\i+0.4);
\draw[fill=white,mainblue](0,\i) rectangle (\y,\i+0.4);
\node [above right] at (0,\i+0.4) {\x};
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node [rectangle, fill=sidecolor, anchor=north, minimum width=9cm, minimum height=\paperheight+1cm] (box) at (-5cm,0.5cm){};
\begin{textblock}{6}(0.5, 0.2)
\clip (600/2, 567/2) circle (567/2);
\node[anchor=north west, inner sep=0pt, outer sep=0pt] at (0,0) {\includegraphics[width=\imagewidth]{\profilepic}};
\begin{tabular}{p{0.5cm} @{\hskip 0.5cm}p{5cm}}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvdate}{}}{}{\textsc{\Large\icon{\Info}} & \cvdate\\}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvaddress}{}}{}{\textsc{\Large\icon{\Letter}} & \cvaddress\\}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvnumberphone}{}}{}{\textsc{\Large\icon{\Telefon}} & \cvnumberphone\\}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvsite}{}}{}{\textsc{\Large\icon{\Mundus}} & \cvsite\\}
\ifthenelse{\equal{\cvmail}{}}{}{\textsc{\large\icon{@}} & \href{mailto:\cvmail}{\cvmail}}
\profilesection{About me}
\skills{{pursuer of rabbits/5.8},{good manners/4}}
(*)[The skill scale is from 0 (Fundamental Awareness) to 6 (Expert).]
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