Hi you all!
I`m new with latex and I`m experience some trouble with the split code. I`m getting the following error message: "Missing { inserted. { \end{split}" I can`t find the error myself (since I`m a newb). I tried searching for it, but didn`t get any wiser..
The error is not in this code. It's somewhere else. That's a reason why it's always recommendable to post a minimal working example, not just a code snippet. I mean a small document, which reproduces the situation when we compile it. This can be a hacked down copy of your document. Just follow the link above, to lean why and how.
Try this code - it's exactly your code just extended to make it to a complete document - no error:
Thank you Stefan. Your effort put into this board is highly appreciated! (I've used it a lot.)
Back to my situation; I got a lot of text in between my equations (same equation, but a bit modified), and I got about 20 error messages (all saying the same thing). Since the error`s always include \end{split} i assumed it had something to do with this code.
Is there a simple way to narrow down my search for the underlying problem? i.e what could be the cause, and how to find it!
magnus1234 wrote:Is there a simple way to narrow down my search for the underlyng problem? i.e what could be the cause, and how to find it!
Sure: make a copy of your document, and reduce it step by step, by removing parts which are probably not relevant to the problem. Such as the lot of text or irrelevant packages. After reach step, compile for testing.
If it doesn't produce the error any more, you have narrowed it down to the code which you removed in the previous step.
If the error still occurs, it's narrowed down further. Repeat, reduce in another step.
The result is, either you found which step removed the error, or you got a very small example, which produces the error. Post it, we can test that and fix it.
I found the problem. I didn`t post the same equation here, as i tried in my document. THIS is the equation I`m having problem with. The difference is that i have to use the Norwegian letter "Ø" inside the equation, so I included ${\o}$. When I remove it, the error is gone. I do use "\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}" but it wont work inside the equation.
Is there another way to include "ø" inside an equation?
hehe, I`m truly sorry for the trouble I put you through, but now I know better! I tried all the combos with \o, {\o} og ${\o}$. In the first case the letter "ø" don`t show in .pdf, in the second case I get a warning "\o invalid in math mode" but the "ø" shows in .pdf, and third, I get "ø" in .pdf and an error as previously mentioned.
I guess I have to choose between error and warning
vaman wrote:Can you post a snap of your equation. This is because, you have mathematical symbols which are not to be used in the equation mode.
Hi vaman,
vaman, please look at the post date: Apr 30, 2012. That's 9 years ago. You will not get an answer to the question. Please do me a favor and don't answer posts that are months or years old. Check the date before.