Page LayoutToC Formatting

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ToC Formatting

Post by dsp »


I am working on my dissertation using latex. I have some difficulties in toc format.
I need double space between header "chapter" and "chapter 31" as shown below.
double space between header and toc
double space between header and toc
double_space.PNG (21.81 KiB) Viewed 4484 times
Also I want to delete the highlights and move "Chapter" up as shown below
delete highlights and move "CHAPTER"up
delete highlights and move "CHAPTER"up
move up.PNG (12.7 KiB) Viewed 4484 times
Here are the tex and sty file as the mwe.
sty file
(10.26 KiB) Downloaded 317 times
tex file
(8.37 KiB) Downloaded 369 times
Thanks for your help.

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ToC Formatting

Post by Frits »

Had a quick look at your code and noticed the following:

Code: Select all

To solve your second question, replace that with

Code: Select all

As far as your first question concerns: I'm not really familiar with memoir (assuming that 'chapter' string comes from memoir), so can't help you with that. - Your LaTeX resource site (Tips, Tricks, Templates and more!)
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ToC Formatting

Post by vaman »

Please try this.
CHAPTER \\ for one space and \\ \\ for two space and continue. It worked for me.

31. Chapter 4
This gives required spacing.
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Stefan Kottwitz
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ToC Formatting

Post by Stefan Kottwitz »

\\ is for ending a line. It's not for adding vertical space, it may be misused that way, such as with \\ \\ etc.

\par would end a paragraph, and would add a paragraph skip if that's configured. \par\vspace{\baselineskip} would end the paragraph and adds a vertical space of a line height.

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Ijon Tichy
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ToC Formatting

Post by Ijon Tichy »

You should never add more than one \\. It could result in "there's no line to end here" errors and in empty lines at the beginning of a page. To add extra space, you can either use the optional argument of \\ or \vspace.

BTW: A very easy, real solution for the original problem with the first ToC page would be to remove

Code: Select all

from pwasu.tex (line 111) and change:

Code: Select all

  \par\nobreak \mbox{}\hfill{\normalfont Page}\par\nobreak}
in pwasu.sty (line 167f) into:

Code: Select all

  \par\nobreak {\normalfont Chapter}\hfill{\normalfont Page}\par\nobreak}
The problem at the second, third etc. page of the ToC is a result of the to low vertical separation of the page head and the text area. This can be solved removing line 73:

Code: Select all

from pwasu.sty.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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