Hey everyone, I'm trying to update my resume to have multiple (3) different job titles and tasks, under the same work place, without having a blank line or having to repeat the current workplace. For clarity, i've included the picture of what it looks like, and what I want to remove. I'm using the Modern CV Style Banking resume template, and for each job, i'm using cventry.
This is what the code looks like in the main file, and I haven't edited the Moderncvstylebanking file. Can someone help?
\cventry{May 2021 - Present}{Job Title 1 }{Current Workplace }{ Work Location}{}{\begin{itemize}
\item task 1
\item task 2
\item task 3
\cventry{August 2020 - April 2021}{Job Title 2 }{Current Workplace}{Work Location}{}{\begin{itemize}
\item task 1
\item task 2
\item task 3
\cventry{July 2019 - August 2020}{Job Title 2 }{Current Workplace}{Work Location}{}{\begin{itemize} \setlength\itemsep{.2em}
\item task 1
\item task 2
\item task 3
Curricula Vitae / Résumés ⇒ How to have multiple job titles under the same workplace using Modern CV Style Banking?
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- Joined: Mon Aug 09, 2021 8:04 pm
How to have multiple job titles under the same workplace using Modern CV Style Banking?
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How to have multiple job titles under the same workplace using Modern CV Style Banking?
Please mark your code to make it more readable and compilable in the forum.
Without a
minimal working example, my proposed amendment is a gamble with an uncertain outcome.
One possibility would be to add the bold line in the definition of the
Without a

One possibility would be to add the bold line in the definition of the
command only if both arguments are given. The command and its (re)definition can be copied into the preamble and changed to preserve the content of the already named banking style file of your TeX distribution.Code: Select all
\ifboolexpr{% moderncv.cls loads etoolbox package
test {\notblank{#4}}
test {\notblank{#5}}
{\bfseries #4} & {\bfseries #5} \\%
{\itshape #3\ifthenelse{\equal{#6}{}}{}{, #6}} & {\itshape #2}\\%