Page LayoutBeamer misaligned title block

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Beamer misaligned title block

Post by ledg555 »

Hi! This is my first post in this great comunity, since I've been unable to find solution to a little problem that I'm experiencing. I'm trying to make a beamer presentation using the PaloAlto theme and the cormorant color theme. I've done this using the free version of VerbTex Android app which compiles the document online, and the result was just right. However, when I compile my document in my laptop it happens that the title block ends up a little misaligned from where it was meant to be (or at least it seems so). I'm using TeXnicCenter, MiKTeX 2.9 and just updated all of my packages to the last version using MiKTeX console, but the problem is still there. The preambule of my .tex document looks like this:

Code: Select all



\title[FII B3 R1]{\textbf{Física II, bloque 3: Electrostática}}
\subtitle{Resumen 1. Carga eléctrica y ley de Coulomb}
\author[Luis Delgado]{Luis Delgado Gallardo}
\institute{Nombre del Instituto}
\date[2021.05]{Última revisión: mayo 2021}

Title page after compilation using TeXnicCenter.
Title page after compilation using TeXnicCenter.
MiKTeX.png (33.17 KiB) Viewed 5729 times
Title page after compilation using VerbTex.
Title page after compilation using VerbTex.
VerbTex.png (32.28 KiB) Viewed 5729 times

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Beamer misaligned title block

Post by rais »

Hi there,
actually, your local result is what I would expect: PaloAlto theme uses rounded boxes with shadows. With a dark theme as cormorant, such a shadow looks a bit awkward, though.

Code: Select all



\setbeamertemplate{title page}[default][colsep=-4bp,rounded=true,shadow=false]


\title[FII B3 R1]{\textbf{Física II, bloque 3: Electrostática}}
\subtitle{Resumen 1. Carga eléctrica y ley de Coulomb}
\author[Luis Delgado]{Luis Delgado Gallardo}
\institute{Nombre del Instituto}
\date[2021.05]{Última revisión: mayo 2021}

should get rid of this shadow---on the title page, at least.
Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Jul 22, 2021 10:57 pm

Beamer misaligned title block

Post by ledg555 »

Thank you so much, Rainer! Actually, I had no idea about that tiny detail about the shadow even though for the other blocks I have the option \setbeamertemplate{blocks}[rounded] in order to get rid of their shadows :lol:
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