I've got a problem with the nomentbl option of the nomencl package: pdflatex just doesn't want to compile the pdf with the error message "%Filename%.nls:2: Package array Error: Illegal pream-token (s): `c' used". Does anyone has an idea what is wrong?
Here is the minimal example:
Code: Select all
\usepackage[noprefix, nomentbl]{nomencl}
\nomenclature[z]{$z$}{Weg}{meter m}{xyz}
Code: Select all
\item &{$z$}&\begingroup Weg\endgroup &\begingroup meter m\endgroup &\begingroup xyz\endgroup &\begingroup \nomeqref {0.0}\nompageref{1}
You find the .log file in the attachment. I am new to this forum, so please tell me if you need any other information or file for solving this problem. I hope for your help!