Your code works, your entry appears
. But I don't see the entries that I defined like that in my text. For example: Articles\index{Article} pour l'index. Essai\index{Essai}.
Is there the problem?
. But I don't see the entries that I defined like that in my text. For example: Articles\index{Article} pour l'index. Essai\index{Essai}.
etc. is fine, there's another problem in the code.Code: Select all
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{book}
\makeindex[title= Index]
Articles\index{Article} pour l'index. Essai\index{Essai}.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}%Pour qu'il apparaisse dans la TOC
are commented. The index appears.\makeatletter
, the page numbers appear at the same time at the top and at the bottom. I don't understand how it works, but with this command the numbers appear as I want.\pagenumbering{Roman}
:Code: Select all
\documentclass[a4paper, 12pt]{book}
\makeindex[title= Index]
Articles\index{Article} pour l'index. Essai\index{Essai}.
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Index}%Pour qu'il apparaisse dans la TOC
.Code: Select all
\indexentry{Article|textsc}{\textsc {iii}}
Code: Select all
!! Input index error (file = text.idx, line = 1):
-- Illegal space within numerals in second argument.
at that place. The way of formatting page number would be like here:Code: Select all
that is easy and consistent, because if we want capital Roman numbers than this is it, instead of smaller-non-capital-capitals.