Community talkalgorithm2e showing errors in IEEE Access format (“Argument of \@algocf@endoption has an extra }. } ”and “Paragraph ende

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algorithm2e showing errors in IEEE Access format (“Argument of \@algocf@endoption has an extra }. } ”and “Paragraph ende

Post by Shahidabbas76 »

\history{Date of publication xxxx 00, 0000, date of current version xxxx 00, 0000.}
\title{Securing GA based Routing in an SDN for Blockchained Internet of Things}
\author{\uppercase{xyz} \authorrefmark{1}, \uppercase{abc} \authorrefmark{1,*}, (\IEEEmembership{Senior Member, IEEE})} \address[1]{Great University World} \corresp{*Correspondence: xyz}
\caption{LRA for Forwarding Nodes}
% \SetAlgoLined
\KwOut{Storing or Updating the Node's Credentials}
\KwResult{$ID_{RN},~L_{RN},~Er_{RN}$ }
\eIf{$ID_{RN},~L_{RN}$ Not Stored in Blockchain}{
\eIf{$Er_{RN} \ge threshold$ }
$ID_{RN},~L_{RN},~ En_{RN}$\;
the $Er_{RN}$ if changed\;

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Ijon Tichy
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Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2018 10:12 am

algorithm2e showing errors in IEEE Access format (“Argument of \@algocf@endoption has an extra }. } ”and “Paragraph ende

Post by Ijon Tichy »

Wrong forum section. This one is for Community talk. For example General would be better.

Where can I find the class? It is not part of TeX Live and I cannot find it on CTAN.

Depends the error on the class or does it also happen with article? (Cannot test soon myself, because of the issue above and the following explained issue.)

Please use code tags for your code instead of the LaTeX tag. Only the code tag activates the online editor/compiler.
Sorry, but I can no longer participate here as the administrator is trampling on my wishes on one of his other platforms. :cry:
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Joined: Sun Oct 31, 2021 4:54 am

algorithm2e showing errors in IEEE Access format (“Argument of \@algocf@endoption has an extra }. } ”and “Paragraph ende

Post by amirpku »

Abbas dadash toonesti moshkelo hal koni?
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