I just installed MacTeX-2008 (and fondu), but I can't seem to get the gtamac fonts to work.
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.1415926-1.40.9 (Web2C 7.5.7)
\write18 enabled.
%&-line parsing enabled.
entering extended mode
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel <v3.8l> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax, dumylang, noh
yphenation, german-x-2008-06-18, ngerman-x-2008-06-18, ancientgreek, ibycus, ar
abic, basque, bulgarian, catalan, pinyin, coptic, croatian, czech, danish, dutc
h, esperanto, estonian, farsi, finnish, french, galician, german, ngerman, mono
greek, greek, hungarian, icelandic, indonesian, interlingua, irish, italian, la
tin, mongolian, mongolian2a, bokmal, nynorsk, polish, portuguese, romanian, rus
sian, sanskrit, serbian, slovak, slovenian, spanish, swedish, turkish, ukenglis
h, ukrainian, uppersorbian, welsh, loaded.
Document Class: article 2005/09/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class
! LaTeX Error: File `gtamacbaskerville.sty' not found.
Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
Enter file name:
LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `LY1/cmr/m/n' undefined
(Font) using `LY1/ptm/m/n' instead on input line 6.
LaTeX Font Warning: Some font shapes were not available, defaults substituted.
Output written on Test3.pdf (1 page, 8163 bytes).
Transcript written on Test3.log.
Can anyone help me out? I don't know much about the mechanics of LaTeX, but I believe this is actually supposed to work immediately.
General ⇒ gtamac fonts don't work
- localghost
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gtamac fonts don't work
The gtamacbaskerville package is simply not installed. Since I am not familiar with fonts on a Mac, refer to some other sources [1,2]. These may help you with this issue.
[1] Nabble - TeX i-Package updated, Easy Mac font support for PDFTeX
[2] Fonts - MacTeX - TeX Users Group
Best regards
[1] Nabble - TeX i-Package updated, Easy Mac font support for PDFTeX
[2] Fonts - MacTeX - TeX Users Group
Best regards
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
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¹ System: openSUSE 42.2 (Linux 4.4.52), TeX Live 2016 (vanilla), TeXworks 0.6.1
Re: gtamac fonts don't work
Thanks, but I'm afraid the links don't really help. As Gerben wrote:
> After installing fondu and TeX, you can us it like this:
> To use these fonts with LaTeX, put e.g. the following in your file:
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{gtamachoefler}
> Such a style file will make Hoefler Text the serif (roman) text
> font and Gill Sans the sans serif font. The following basic styles
> are available:
> gtamacbaskerville.sty
> gtamacdidot.sty
> gtamacgeorgia.sty
> gtamachoefler.sty
There's no mention of having to install the .sty packages yourself. Searching the web and CTAN does not yield any results for gtamacbaskerville.sty, or any of the above. Do you have these .sty files anywhere on your computer? If so, where? Maybe I have them, but need to move them to another directory?
> After installing fondu and TeX, you can us it like this:
> To use these fonts with LaTeX, put e.g. the following in your file:
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage{gtamachoefler}
> Such a style file will make Hoefler Text the serif (roman) text
> font and Gill Sans the sans serif font. The following basic styles
> are available:
> gtamacbaskerville.sty
> gtamacdidot.sty
> gtamacgeorgia.sty
> gtamachoefler.sty
There's no mention of having to install the .sty packages yourself. Searching the web and CTAN does not yield any results for gtamacbaskerville.sty, or any of the above. Do you have these .sty files anywhere on your computer? If so, where? Maybe I have them, but need to move them to another directory?