Page LayoutMath environment within a list.

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Math environment within a list.

Post by lucia_ »

Hi everyone,

I am writing an essay and I am using amsthm to create "claim" and "proof" math environments. Usually when one uses a "proof" environment, Latex creates an empty line before the proof. For example:

Code: Select all

This is a claim.
This is a proof.
I wanted to remove this line, so I did the following:

Code: Select all



This is a claim.
This is a proof.
However, I've noticed that when I am within an enumerate environment, it no longer works:

Code: Select all



	\item Hello. This is some text in a list. Hello hello. This is some text in a list. Some text in a list. ajsdhsdkfjhsdkfjashkdfjdshkf.
	This is a claim.
	This is a proof.
Does anyone know how to keep that space before the proof removed, even when I am within an enumerate environment?

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Ijon Tichy
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Math environment within a list.

Post by Ijon Tichy »

This is the paragraph separation, that is the default of enumerate environments. You are already using package enumitem. So you could try \begin{enumerate}[parsep=0pt] or \begin{enumerate}[nosep]. For more information see the enumitem manual.
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Math environment within a list.

Post by lucia_ »

Hi Ijon,

That worked wonderfully.

Thanks so much for your help! :)

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