Graphics, Figures & TablesMake a list of lines with a list of labels

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Make a list of lines with a list of labels

Post by tush »

I am looking for a way to compactly create the following list of lines and text nodes:

Code: Select all

\draw (-0.2,0) node[left]{Text 1} -- (+0.2,0);
\draw (-0.2,2) node[left]{Second Text} -- (+0.2,2);
\draw (-0.2,3) node[left]{3rd text node} -- (+0.2,3);
I am familiar a bit with`\foreach`, which can give me the following:

Code: Select all

\foreach \y in {0,2,3}
\draw(-0.2,\y) -- (+0.2,\y);
But how do I use something more like a list of

Code: Select all

(So as in the case above it would be

Code: Select all

{{0,Text 1},{2,Second Text},{3,3rd text node},..}

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Make a list of lines with a list of labels

Post by Bartman »

You may want to use multiple variables as explained in section 88 "Repeating Things: The Foreach Statement".
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