I've been trying to create Section Number with Section Title in each Section Title Slide Page on Beamer class but was not able to create it.

That is, as in the "Table of Contents" page, e.g.,
1 Introduction
I wanted to get
1 Introduction
on page 3, too.
But how could we accomplish this?
I would appreciate for any help in this regard.
Code: Select all
% Question to ask!
% Solution can be found at this link
% To generate generate section title slides automatically in Beamer!
% Taken from this web page:
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/178800/creating-sections-each-with-title-pages-in-beamers-slides
% Question!
\title[\sc Getting Section Number]
{Getting Section Number on \LaTeX \ Beamer Slides}
\frame{{Table of Contents}
\frame{\frametitle{Who is David Hilbert?}
David Hilbert is a great Mathematician!
\frame{{How do you define Mathematics?}
Mathematics is a language of sciences. Moreover, $\cdots$
\frame{\frametitle{Some Examples}
This is the first example.